Owls In Dreams: Meaning Based On Activity, Feature, Interaction and Colour

Owls play a significant role in spirituality, mysticism, and occultism. They are also popular characters in myths and legends carrying out fabulous magic tricks to manifest miracles. Even children’s stories have owls mentioned in them–remember Hedwig from Harry Potter?

Owls in dreams meaning, is therefore, quite special to a lot of people. Some get on their toes in panic because owls in dreams are often considered to bring bad luck into people’s lives. Others seeing white or snowy owls in their dreams jump in excitement since it usually means something good is about to happen.

Owls in dreams meaning is subjective to a large extent. Different perspectives make the whole concept more challenging, yet exciting. So let’s stop hooting and swoop right into the magical world of owls!

Owls In Dreams Meaning And Symbolism

Owls In Dreams Meaning And Symbolism

Source: @nahed_ah_ai

Owls have been considered, by many cultures and belief systems, to have mystical ability. Spiritual teachers, healers, and occultism practitioners associate owls with magic and clairvoyance. Owls are considered to be the connector between the Afterlife and the current three-dimensional reality.

For these reasons, if a person has a dream with an owl in it, it could be a message from the spirit world. The message could be from the spirit guides whispering you subtly to listen to your intuition more to make wiser choices in life. It could also be from a deceased family member or friend trying to tell that person that everything is okay.

Owls primarily symbolize wisdom, knowledge and insight. It could also mean courage, determination, power and invincibility. Owls could also signify clairvoyance and mediumship. Best interpretation could be done by the person who has dreamt the dream.

Activity Of Owls In Dreams Meaning

While interpreting a dream about owls, importance must be given to what the owl was doing within that dream. Was it just sitting and staring, or was it flying and foraging? Let’s see how interpretations depend on the owl’s activities.

Owl Attack

Source: @garyclarkewildlifephotography

Owl Attack

Owls are quiet and peaceful animals. Owls attacking is quite unnatural. Therefore, if you have dreamed about owls attacking you that could reflect your own suppressed aggression or other people’s subdued anger toward you. You could be angry toward others or toward yourself. The dream could be a sign that you need to look deeper into your unresolved issues.

This dream could also mean that you are a part of a new or changed situation now, surrounded by new faces, constantly bombarding you with varied expectations. This might be causing you an ample amount of anxiety. Maybe it is time to ask yourself if all this is worth it.

Owl Biting

If you are suffering some sort of physical or mental ailment, a painful situation or circumstance, that you have been overlooking for quite some time, you might just find yourself dreaming that an owl is biting you. Where an owl bites you is important to remember. Let’s take a look at some of the places you might dream of an owl biting you.

  • Hands: If it bites your right hand, you might be losing money or lending money to others. It could also suggest that you are a charitable person and like to give away frequently. If it bites the left, you apparently will be receiving money. This scene may also symbolize that you have hidden talent that you need to utilize adequately.
  • Legs: If you dream that owls are biting you on your legs, it may mean that there are hindrances in your path to development. There might be some insecurity within yourself that you are battling with.
  • Feet: It might be a warning that you are trodding into circumstances that might prove to be harmful or painful for you in the future. It may also mean that you fear to step into the unknown and venture into new opportunities.
  • Eyes: There might be people lurking around you trying to harm you. There might be situations not suitable for you, but you keep running into them. Seems you are looking for trouble and not paying heed to useful advice. The dream may be pleading to you to open your eyes and confront the truth.
  • Ears: Your intuition is whispering the right direction to you all the time, but because your outer world and your mind are so loud, you do not hear them or choose to avoid them. Well, it is high time that you calm down, sit down somewhere and think about things. Talk to friends and family and listen to their advice.

Owls Flying

Owls are exceptional hunters due to their stealth flying and attacking abilities. They do not screech or hoot unless they are feeling threatened, thus they do not attract attention toward themselves by making unnecessary noises.

If you dream about owls flying or hovering above your head or around you, it could mean something positive or negative. It could mean that the universe has heard your prayers and is working behind the veil to make your affirmations manifest into reality, but you feel impatient about the time it is taking to work out.

Alternatively, it could mean that someone is planning an attack on you, and when it finally happens, you will be awestruck since you did not see it coming.

Owls Eating

Source: @tony_tate_photography

Owls Eating

Owls eating may appear in various forms in a dream. They could be feeding on a carcass of a dead animal, munching on grains, or scavenging on the very person who is dreaming about the owl. In any case, try to interpret it constructively.

You are being eaten by an owl

Act of eating is the conclusion you place after a series of events have taken place. This action may symbolize that you are putting an end to something that has been repeating for quite some time, like a pattern of behavior or circumstances.

It could also mean that you have a hunger for knowledge or to find out the truth, and you are eating because you have already found out what you were looking for or you have appeased the problem. Therefore, do not be scared of the dream of an owl nibbling at your carcass. It could only mean the negative things in your life are finally coming to an end.

Owl is eating

Often while we eat, we process information. You were earnestly searching for specific knowledge, or the truth, and you have finally found it. If you see an owl eating it could mean that you have found the information you were looking for. If you dream about yourself feeding an owl, it may mean that you are ready to share the truth with the world.

Owl eating other animals

This dream could be subtly referring to danger lurking in the background in your personal or professional life. Stay at high alert and be prepared to face the challenge because it might happen really soon.

Eagle And Owl Fighting

An eagle is the symbol of strength and vigor, whereas an owl represents wisdom and introspection. If you dream that these two fierce birds of prey are at war with themselves, it could mean that two dual and opposing aspects of your own personality and character are at battle.

A current situation in your life demands that you think logically, yet your emotions are involved in the process. You are feeling torn apart between your emotions and your intellect, but time is running out and you need to make a decision soon.

Native Americans believe that staying adamant and determined in the face of adversity is a sign of honor. Eagles and owls fighting is some battle to behold because both the opponents are invincible in their own unique way. This could be a sign that you are no lesser than others, and you do not or will not give up easily, no matter how powerful your opponent is.

Owls Turning Into Humans

Needless to say, this dream symbolizes a massive transformation that is imminent in your life. This dream must be interpreted from a positive perspective.

It could mean that you have recently experienced a lot of changes in your life, within yourself and in the external environment. Life’s experiences have made you wiser and now you make better choices.

Certain people, who you thought loved you genuinely, have left you for the better. The place around you could have also changed– maybe you have left a toxic household and moved to a new city.

The dream could also mean the end of toxic relationships, and beginning of fulfilling ones. In the near future, you might be making new friends who would be providing you with advice that has worked well in their own lives. These new relationships will benefit you in every possible way, and they will be long-term.

3 Owls Dream Meaning

3 Owls Dream Meaning

Source: @sylva.spirits

When you dream about three owls, it could be interpreted as a desire or a wish. Not exactly a wish for material objectives like a car or a house, but a longing for clarity and advice.

Because owls are such wise creatures, a group of owls is often termed as a “parliament” or “congress.”. Maybe, you are seeking advice from wise and knowledgeable people, and thus your subconscious has concocted this dream, helping you to get the answer.

Deep down you may be asking the universe to show you the right direction to achieve greater success in both your personal relationships and career. The search for guidance could also be for peace– maybe you do not aspire to become materially successful, and are just looking for a comfortable house beside the sea, but other, more ambitious people, are leading you astray.

There is a certain dilemma you are suffering through— you are experiencing rewarding moments as well frustrations repeatedly. You are looking for stability and consistency, and maybe this dream of three owls could be a sign that things are gradually falling into place.

What these 3 owls are doing in your dream is also significantly important. If they are perched silently then they are advising you to be more observant of the people and situations in your external environment.

If the owls are hunting or moving around, it could be a sign that you need to be more proactive in your life. Do not sit on your pile of problems, solve them, is basically what these 3 owls are trying to say to you.

Your Interaction With Owls In Dreams Meaning

The way you are interacting with the owl within the dream is equally important.  Are you feeding it? Are you petting or holding it? Dream interpretations could be subjective depending on your interactions with the owl. Let’s analyze some possibilities.

Petting An Owl

When we pet animals on their heads or on their body, they drop their guards down, and surrender. This is of course if the animal knows you or trusts you. We pet animals to show our affection or calm them down if they are in pain. In other ways, we want to take control of the situation for the animal’s benefit.

If you dream that you are petting owls, it may mean that something was previously out of your control, but now you have slowly started to gain control. You are trying to imply to the other group or the opponent to not mess with you since you are in charge of things.

It may also be that people around you do not trust you fully, so doors of opportunities are remaining closed and you want matters to change for the best. This dream might be trying to convey this message that you should try to gain their full trust.

You should act in a manner or tell them directly that you mean no harm, so that they open up to you. The relationship might turn out to be mutually beneficial once both the parties start trusting each other.

Saving An Owl

Animals are quite self-sufficient and they like to be left alone when they are injured. Trying to save an animal when it may get better on its own is equivalent to attempting to take control of situations that cannot be controlled.

This dream is saying out loud that you get anxious at people’s behavior or opinions, or get depressed when things do not go your way. It is trying to advise you to let certain situations unfold automatically instead of gripping it tightly. Trying to resist things will only break you, going with the flow will make you unbreakable.

Hearing Owl Sound

An owl hooting in your dreams could indicate that you need to wake up because there are problems either within you or outside that need to be addressed as early as possible. You have been avoiding facing these issues for quite some time but you cannot keep them on the back burner any longer.

Owls hooting may also mean that there are dangers ahead, and you need to be careful. It is a warning sign that someone is out there to get you and cause you pain. It also indicates that you might be facing a severe loss ahead, like losing money in a failed business opportunity or losing a near and dear friend to death.

Holding An Owl

Holding your adorable pet animal in your arms or letting it perch on your hands in case it is a bird, is your way of showing affection to your pet and letting your pet reciprocate.

This could be a sign that maybe you are feeling slightly lonely and desire affection from people you love. Maybe you have been away from your parents for long and you want them to know how much you love them. Maybe you are surrounded by strangers and you long for them to accept you just the way you are.

On the contrary, this dream could convey that some sort of accident may occur in your immediate vicinity. You may have heard of these wise words that a lot of calm persists before the arrival of a great storm. Owl perched on your hands is a calming scenario that, however, may indicate that something bad is about to happen.

Dreaming Of Finding Owl Feathers

Owls represent wisdom, knowledge, reflection, empowerment and simplicity. If you dream of having found a feather of an owl while strolling in the park or walking down a busy street, it may be an indication that you need to slow down and reflect.

If you are on a spiritual journey, then you can start meditating more often and more deeply. Try to get in touch with your Higher Self, and try to discover the meaning behind those subtle nudges that will get stronger when you know yourself a bit better.

Owls are believed by many cultures to be the possessors of the mystical ability to communicate with the unseen and untold. Finding an owl feather would definitely mean that your spirit guide is around you, ready to assist you whenever you ask for it or in need of it.

Features of Owls in Dreams Meaning

Features of Owls in Dreams Meaning

Source: @sandrietta_ai

Once you wake up and feel the burning curiosity to interpret the meaning of your owl dream, try recalling the state the owl was in or its physical features. Was it injured or flying about? Was it featherless? These subtle specifications could add a lot to the interpretation of the dream.

Injured Owl

An injured owl in the dream may indicate that you need to place immediate attention to an injured part of your own body. Try to remember which part of the owl’s body was injured– was it the legs, the wings, or the chest area? It would be helpful if you remember.

Either you already have an illness that you are well aware of, or some discomfort is brewing up in your body that you are not conscious of or you deliberately ignore it. Whatever is the case, you have to pay a visit to the doctor’s office and get it sorted out before it turns more serious.

Seeing an injured owl in dreams could also mean that an accident is close by. Someone you know and adore could be a victim of it. Alternatively, you could be experiencing a massive loss in any business investment in the imminent future.

You can tell your loved ones and acquaintances to maintain caution, and better stay away from big investments at least for a week.

Friendly Owl

Like all dreams, dreaming about friendly-looking owls could have both positive and negative interpretations. It may point to the idea that you have become more amicable toward and more accepting of the people around you. Differing points-of-view of others do not trigger you anymore, and you find yourself smiling more in the face of adversity.

The dream could also mean that you are going to make some really good friends in the near future.

On a negative note, deception and illusion could be playing a part here, playing a nasty fiddle behind the veils. There may be some friendly-looking people around you who admire you upfront, but might be slandering about you in your absence. You cannot trust these people as your confidante. Find them out and be wary of them.

Alternatively, dreaming about an owl with a cute expression on its face, playing with your fingers and perching on your wrist, could signify the presence of a deceased loved one. The spirit is using the owl as a medium to let you know that he or she is doing just fine.

Scary Owl

How we feel most of the time manifests accordingly in our reality. If we are anxious and stressed during most of our life, it is only natural that we will manifest people with ill intentions, relationships that may be toxic, and investments that may prove to be a failure.

You may see yourself stuck in a hamster’s wheel, caged in a toxic pattern, and find yourself completely unable to escape from it.

It is in situations like these that you may dream of a frightening-looking owl. The owl is there to point out that you need to address your inner demons and find a way out of the poisonous sequence of events.

The scary owl is not there to scare you. It is there to make you realize that you have addictive habits that are not letting you succeed in life. No matter how hard you try, they seem to be pulling you back or pushing you off the edge.

Huge Owl

Dreaming about giant owls may point to the fact that there is a severe crisis either around you or within you that needs to be addressed sooner than later. Fixing it later may cause tremendous losses.

The dream could be indicating a health issue that you feel the symptoms of but have been avoiding for various reasons. The dream could also mean that there are some people in your life who are absorbing your energy but not reciprocating it. You need to stay away from these people or let them go if you are holding onto them still.

If the giant owl is behaving aggressively, that could convey there is a lot of bitterness inside of you toward people that you project into the future. Thus you seem to manifest negative situations and lose even in circumstances that initially seemed profitable.

In case the owl is gigantic but amicable, that could mean you have become wiser and gained more insight about things in this world and beyond. The owl might be encouraging you to share your knowledge with more people.

Owl Nest

Interestingly, owls are one special species of bird that do not build nests. They just place their eggs in a safe location, like in nooks and crannies of vegetation or within branch-forks of trees. Therefore, if you dream about owl nests, it would not be silly to ask you where did you get that idea from?

Jokes apart, the message behind this unique dream could be that you have all the necessary elements, like skills and talent, knowledge and wisdom, to make your dream into reality. Now you need to stop feeling scared, stop cultivating doubts, and plunge ahead. Now is the time your project will succeed.

On a negative note, the dream could mean that you do not want to settle permanently anywhere. Simultaneously, you want protection and warmth. This leads to the idea that you may have been nourishing commitment issues within yourself for quite some time now. Think deeply about the point where all this started, forgive and let go.

Owl Without Feathers

Owls, just like humans, lose their feathers when they get stressed. The dream is a tell-tale sign that you are under a lot of duress. If it is not the end of the world for you, you must look into other, less stressful options.

Remember, to manifest success in your life, you do not need to work too hard. You need to destress, minimize the efforts, think positively, and listen to your intuition– to get what you want.

Baby Owl

Dreaming about a baby owl could mean you need to grow up or mature, in order to face harsher circumstances in life more constructively. Maybe you break down or give up too easily, you leave people and circumstances when things do not go in the direction you desired. You should learn to stick around and show up for people who love you and care about you.

Baby owls in dreams could also indicate that there is always room for growth and expansion. Nothing remains static forever. Situations will change, tables will turn, and you will get the chance of a lifetime. Crying over spilt milk does not suit you. Whatever happened, happened for your growth. Now look up and walk ahead confidently.

Specific Colors Of Owls In Dreams Meaning

Specific Colors Of Owls In Dreams Meaning

Source: @davidbennettwildlifeart

Dreams are usually grayscale–that means colors are not perceivable. If you remember colors in your dream, however, it could mean there are strong emotions brewing up inside of you that have given birth to the perception of strong or light hues. Strong colors usually mean anxiety or aggression, whereas lighter hues signify positivity.

Brown Owl Dream Meaning

For spiritual individuals, seeing a brown owl in dreams is an indication that there will be an opportunity for spiritual growth in the near future. There will be tests and tribulations you need to be mindful of to harvest maximum benefit out of it.

Brown is the color of the earth, the soil, the mud–in other words, it signifies nature. Seeing a brown owl in your dreams could be an indication that you are grounded, humbled, simple, and fulfilling to have a relationship with. Being around you gives hope and comfort to a lot of people. It could also convey that you will meet someone like that very soon.

Brown owls in dreams could also point at excavating in search for something valuable. This could indicate that there are long-hidden secrets that will be revealed soon and the revelations will present you with a lot of insight.

White Owl

The color white represents spirituality. Seeing a white owl in your dreams means that there are abundant opportunities for spiritual awakening all around you. Be more mindful of them. At the same time, forgive and forget people and events in your life that no longer benefit you. By thinking about them, you are ruining your present and future.

Dreaming about white owls also means assurance of wonderful occurrences in your life, especially in terms of relationships and career. You will meet some enlightening people in your life very soon. You may also achieve profitable investment opportunities or a job with an excellent salary.

Black Owl

Black owl in dreams unfortunately bears negative news. Black color is a symbol of endings, deaths, disappointments and failures. It may mean something totally different for you–you might be an admirer of this dense hue because it may mean elegance and straight-forwardness to you. But let’s accept this– all colors do not get interpreted similarly by everybody.

So if you happen to see a black owl in your dreams, it could mean that something painful may occur in your life soon, or someone you care about might perish. Business opportunities and investments might not seem too profitable. Being wary and patient would be helpful.

Purple Owl

Barn owls of the Tyto alba species have this mesmerizing purple hue that might take your breath away. You may have the unique opportunity to see one in your dreams.

What could it mean? For spiritually gifted people, it could mean higher clairvoyance and a chance of mediumship. You could find yourself more strongly plugged to the source achieving information with which you can help a lot of people around you.

However, if the owl you are looking at in your dreams is a deep or aggressive purple, it could symbolize existent anxiety inside of you. In that case, prevent yourself from taking any major decisions in your life right now. Calm down, be intuitive, and proceed with caution.

Blue Owl

Blue owls hold a message for the spiritually gifted. It could be a sign from the universe that you have powerful intuition with the help of which you can communicate telepathically with the people around you. You can read minds better, you can anticipate future occurrences. Such a gift should be used wisely and carefully.

Red Owl

Seeing a red owl in your dreams could signify that you may be struggling with the basic necessities in your life currently. Financial and health crises have become unavoidable and, no matter how hard you try, you cannot walk past them any longer. You need to focus on financial management harder, avoid unnecessary expenses, and save more for the future.

Green Owl

Green symbolizes growth and prosperity. It also represents simplicity and humbleness because it is the color of nature. Green owls in dreams, therefore, convey positive messages.

It could mean that in the near future you will be meeting people who will bring you joy and comfort. In your community, you will receive plenty of growth opportunities that will lead you to the career options you have always desired.

Different species of Owls in Dreams Meaning

Different Species of Owls in Dreams Meaning

Source: @mrsphotog

Did you know that Hedwig from Harry Potter was a snowy owl? Dream interpretations could vary depending on the species of the owl that you dreamt about. Let’s take a look at the possible meanings.

A Barn Owl

Barn owls look mostly gray or white in appearance and have a heart-shaped face. They are quite common both in reality and in dreams. That is to say that a lot of people have seen barn owls in their dreams. Barn owls symbolize change or the need to change. It may be advising you to alter certain toxic habits in your life, or be ready to face obstacles in the future.

Snowy Owl

Snowy owls in dreams are great advisors. They teach the individual to be wiser, attain knowledge especially from trying circumstances, keep growing, and be patient.

Barred Owl

A barred owl in dreams represents forgiveness and reconciliation. There may be people in your life, especially in your family tree, who might be expecting you to forgive them for however they might have wronged you in the past. A barred owl may also convey you a message that there is deceit lurking in the background. Be careful and maintain confidentiality.

Great Horned Owl

Great horned owls are the symbol of wisdom, intuition, knowledge and spiritual advancement. If you see one while asleep, you should consider yourself lucky because you are in for an exciting ride. Now is the time to hit the iron– take that leap of faith in that business prospect that you have been putting off for a long time. Put yourself out there and trust things will work out.

Short-Eared Owl

Having a dream about a short-eared owl means that whichever project you are trying to embark on right now, requires you to build a strong knowledge base first. Use this auspicious moment to gain knowledge and wisdom from experiences. This owl is also a sign that you have been chosen for spiritual awakening– use your heightened senses wisely.

Screech Owl

Dreaming about screech owls indicates that the individual is very caring toward others, and would go above and beyond to do something kind for someone else. This could be a suggestion to that person to value his importance more and not to get carried away in the process of assisting others. This dream also advises the person to be more optimistic in life.

Biblical Meaning Of Owls In Dreams

Biblical Meaning Of Owls In Dreams

It is not only the Americans, but people all around the world, from different cultural and belief systems, see owls in their dreams. Some see them frequently, if not everyday. Dreaming about owls may mean different things to different people.

The widely accepted interpretation is that owls represent wisdom, knowledge and intuition, so dreaming about one generally should mean a beneficial occurrence is right around the corner. But one must not thrust this meaning onto others, because there are lots of people who associate owls with death and termination.

Let’s take a look at what the Bible has to say about owls. These are the following verses where owls have been mentioned and their spiritual significance has been uplifted:

Leviticus 11: 13 to 16: In the Old Testament, owls have been included in the list of unclean animals that should not be consumed as food by humans.

Isaiah 13:21: If an owl is present in a particular location, that place is haunted.

Isaiah 34:14: They are nocturnal creatures who prefer to do all their activities at night or in the darkness.

Psalm 102:6: Owls like to live in deserts and deserted places.

Leviticus 11:16: Bat ya’anah (ostrich owl) emits a mournful cry.

As you can understand from the above Biblical references, owls are perceived as harbingers of negativity and darkness, and they symbolize loneliness, desolation and mourning. Therefore, if you are a Christian and you see owls in your dreams, it is totally up to you how you decide to perceive it.

Spiritual Meaning Of Owls In Dreams

Spiritual Meaning Of Owls In Dreams

Source: @rkotinsky

Owl dreams bear strong spiritual significance and the message conveyed is also highly positive. Owls in dreams primarily notify you of the opportunities you will experience in the future that will make you more intuitive and clairvoyant so that you can help others in this world.

Symbolic Death– A New Beginning

Owls could be adorable and entertaining as a pet, but many cultures consider owls from a negative perspective. Some believe that owls are a symbol of ending, death or termination. If you happen to have seen an owl in your dreams, accept this message that there might be something negative about to happen in your life in the near future.

On the contrary, as owls are a harbinger of death, that means we can expect something new brewing up in our life in the imminent future because death is only a new beginning. We can compare this to the transformation we notice in nature when seasons change from winter to spring. In winter, leaves fall off only to grow back with more vibrancy the next season.

What does not kill you makes you stronger, so interpret the dream positively. It could be a sign from your spirit guides to not be demotivated or apprehensive, but to utilize the obstacles as an opportunity to build your character and succeed in life.

An Opportunity To Grow Spiritually And Manifest Miracles

People sometimes dream about an owl flying or gliding in the open sky and become curious to interpret the meaning behind it. Birds of any type cultivate a sense of freedom inside one’s heart. The joy of witnessing a bird flying around freely without a care in the world is the deepest desire of many in the modern times.

Dreaming about owls flying could therefore very strongly define an opportunity within arm’s reach to grow spiritually. Spiritual growth has no end just like the sky has no end. Many believe that an attainment of spiritual enlightenment could set one free for eternity.

A person who practices spirituality would consider this dream seriously and take some time out to meditate. Via meditative practices, you would be able to connect with your spiritual guides and ask for a more vivid meaning of this dream. The dream is a golden chance to grow as a person and as a soul, and keep connected with the divinity.

You Are A Gifted Person

If you frequently see owls in your dreams, or owls talking to you or hooting at you, it could mean something very special.

Owls are considered to be the owners of supernatural ability to communicate with the unseen reality and the hearts beating within it. They could be the medium or the intermediary between this reality and the other realities that we cannot perceive due to our limited perceptions.

Owls appearing in your dreams often clearly indicate that the divinity is utilizing the owl as a medium to connect with you. They have sent you several signs in your wakeful hours but maybe you were too busy to have paid heed, so now your higher self is trying to convey the message while you are asleep.

Pay utmost attention and better write everything you remember about that dream in your journal and try to match the message with your current life circumstances. You never know, you may possess psychic abilities and can serve as a medium to people who are seeking for a stronger connection with the divinity.

Trust Your Intuition

Owls have incredible eyesight. These nocturnal creatures need to use only one-tenth to one-hundredth of the amount of light that humans need to see properly. This could only mean that they see 10 times to 100 times better than humans!

Therefore if you happen to have dreamt about the great horned owl staring at you directly in the dark, its eyes could be penetrating your outer facade to convey this message to your soul that you need to wake up and listen.

Listen to your intuition–your gut feelings. Due to commotion, resistance, anxiety and stress, we tend to become deaf to the subtle nudges of our spirit guides and our higher self. They are constantly whispering helpful advice to navigate our life to the correct direction but subconsciously we reject them all. Well, dreaming about owls could mean you should start paying attention to your intuition immediately.

Your intuition will guide you to more humble and fulfilling choices. The more intuitive you get, the more successful you will be in your personal and professional lives. Sit quietly, think deeper to interpret that owl dream you had last night. Trust it that it will make everything better.

You Have A Pure Soul

Ever dreamt about a snowy white owl? The mesmerizing and strikingly adorable bird may have taken your breath away, but did you wake up and think twice about it? Well, if you have not, you should get a pencil and a notebook and write your reflections down.

The color white is a symbol of purity, divinity and innocence. Only people who have committed no evil in this life, and cannot hurt anyone or anything even if they want to, can have the rare opportunity to see a white owl in their dreams. These people have an unblemished character, a pure soul, an unadulterated personality. They are true to their words and actions.

Spiritually gifted people who have dreamt about snowy owls should not however get carried away and think that they are more important than others. Take it as a chance to humble yourself and spread the word of spirituality to others.

Karma Is True

People panic when they dream about dead owls, since an owl itself symbolizes death. Death could be perceived in different ways– it could be taken as an end to something, or it could be considered as a new beginning.

However, on a negative note, which is usually the case, people think death could mean someone close could perish, or something very beneficial could come to an end, bringing utter distress to one’s life. People could anticipate the death of a beloved someone who had been sick for a long time, or the termination of an employment or business prospect.

A spiritual person has heard of Karma and believes in it. Seeing dead owls in dreams could mean that a karma that was committed decades ago, would eventually come back to haunt the performer or doer of the action. If the karma was negative, even if you do not remember committing it, it will reciprocate in your life in a similar fashion. So fasten your seat-belts!

A Spirit From Afterlife Is Trying To Reach You

An owl talking to you or hooting or screeching at you could clearly mean it is desperately or urgently trying to convey a message to you. It could mean that there are some unresolved issues that have been festering within you for a long time and need to be paid attention to. It could also mean someone in your life, who has passed away, is trying to reach you.

Souls from the spirit world could try to reach out to you for various reasons. The spirit could be using the owl to tell you that he or she is doing great up there and not to worry, to advise you to not cry over past life and move on with strength, or to let you know that something terrible has caused his or her death.

Try to sit quietly in a place and recall what the owl was trying to tell you. Were the hoots or screeches loud and anxiety-driven? Were the expressions of the owl annoyed or agitated? If you can recall these details, you would be able to draw a clearer interpretation of this dream.


Individuals who are interested in spirituality often ask questions about the significance of seeing owls in their dreams. Spiritual teachers, mediums, healers and mystics use dream interpretations often to harness better life direction from the spirit world for the people here in this world. If you feel curious to know more about it, take a look at the following questions.

Q.1) What are the owls in dreams meaning in spirituality?

Ans: Owls are considered, by certain belief systems, as a medium between the spirit world and the three dimensional world where humans reside. Seeing owls in dreams indicate spiritual gifts, like developed conscience, stronger intuitive ability, and more robust clairvoyance. Seeing owls in dreams also means that someone deceased is trying to contact you.

Q.2) Black and white owls in dreams meaning?

Ans: Black owls usually mean something negative. They convey the message that something hurtful may happen or someone beloved may abandon you, maybe forever. White owls indicate spiritual advancement, and better opportunities in material life.

Q.3) Barn owls in dreams meaning?

Ans: Barn owls in dreams basically mean that there are a lot of changes coming your way. You may face a lot of obstacles too, but there are numerous opportunities for growth.

Summing Up

Owls in dream meaning is interpreted differently by different people. Interpretations may depend on cultural and traditional upbringing, belief systems, and daily practices of an individual. To some, owls in dreams may carry negative news. To others, seeing an owl in a dream could mean better opportunities and possible salvation from toxic relationships.

Take the black and purple owls for instance. Black owls usually indicate that something worrisome may happen in the future–but it could also mean elegance and style, dignity and distinction to others. Purple owls may point at the hidden aggression inside of you, whereas the lighter shades of purple may mean higher mental clarity and spiritual gifts.

Owls may mean wisdom and insight, on the other hand, it could represent death and endings. Depending on your life’s circumstances, you can interpret your dreams the best. The point is not to worry, calm down, stay in the present, and be more attentive to your intuitions. Success and happiness is just around the corner.

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