Can Budgies Eat Banana? Guide for Babies & Adults

The ones who pet budgies at home and want to take the utmost care of it – prefer to ensure the best nutrients and healthy food at all times for their babies.

On one such note, one question is regularly asked around in the budgie-owner communities: can budgies eat bananas?

The short answer to this question is: Yes! Budgies can eat bananas! But there are certain ways and measures you must take into account before going on with the food.

Nutrient values for bananas are great and they can help in your budgie’s development in numerous ways. At the same time, overdoing it can be harmful due to certain reasons.

So follow along with my article to learn every aspect of banana-feeding to your dear budgie and aid in their growth in the most natural way!

Can Budgies Eat Bananas?

You already know the short answer, that yes, budgies can indeed eat bananas. As budgies, or budgerigar, belong to the parakeet group, bananas are ranked among their common diets.

In their natural habitat, budgies are known for consuming fruits as a major part of their diet. Fruits carry vital nutrients that help out their health in many different ways.

Out in the wilderness, many bird experts have witnessed budgies as well as other parakeets feasting on bananas by choice.

So it’s something a lot of the budgies prefer to eat in their natural habitat. That said, not all of the budgies share the same hunger for the fruit, so you’ll have to make an assessment to understand which side of this gradient your budgie belongs to.

How to Check if My Budgies Prefer Bananas?

Before you start heading on to add bananas in your budgie’s list of food, you’ll need to start small to test out if your babies prefer this fruit.

Because there exists a lot of budgies who might not like this sort of consumption. So, take small chunks of bananas at first and place them before your bird.

See if your budgie is touching the food or starting to consume it. Repeat this for 3-4 days and it’ll tell you all you need to know.

If your budgie start eating the banana during this time, then it’s safe to say that you can include bananas in their diet chart.

And even if they don’t even touch the fruit in the given period, then you should probably skip on providing bananas to your budgie.

Is Banana Safe for Budgies?

You might wonder why such a question is asked subsequently to our initial query of ‘can budgies eat bananas?’

This is because a lot of the bananas aren’t safe, especially if you feed your budgie with the banana peels.

For most parts, organic bananas are marked safe in general because chemical pesticides aren’t vigorously used for these fruits.

But the industrial bananas are cleansed of pests using harsh chemicals that can cause a wide array of issues for your budgie: from digestion troubles to almost fatal consequences.

These chemicals and pesticides are usually stacked up on the peels and don’t usually enter the fruit bodies.

So, bananas are safe for budgies if you remove the peel for them, but as per the complete bananas go, it’s not safe out of the bag and requires a few procedures before being handed out to your budgie.

Budgies & Banana Peels: Does it Help?

Budgies and Bandana Peels Fact

Before you consider going through the banana peel cleansing procedure for your budgie, let’s get this question off of your head first – yes, banana peels do help out budgies to some extent.

But, as these peels contain cellulose, it might be quite difficult for some budgies to digest and experts often suggest against feeding it to such tiny creatures.

If you must, for the iodine embedded in the peels that help out to ensure your budgie’s regular thyroid gland function, you can clean the banana using baking soda and vinegar.

However, the best approach is to look for organic bananas to shed every doubt and to guarantee a healthy feast for your budgie.

For both cases, don’t overfeed your birds with banana peels. The best frequency you can maintain is by giving them a complete banana with peels once every two weeks.

What Are the Health Benefits of Bananas for Budgies?

By this time, you’re probably thinking what could be the health benefits your budgies can find from eating bananas. Let me break it down to you now.

Mineral Benefit
Potassium Helps in budgies’ growth, keeps kidneys healthy and prevents any kidney diseases from occurring. It’s the most vital nutrient in bananas for budgies.
Magnesium Firstly, it’s a great muscle relaxant for budgies and stops muscle cramps from happening. Also, magnesium helps convert fat into energy and assists with your budgies’ daily activities by keeping them animated.
Iron The perfect amount of iron ensures healthy oxygen flow and prevents illnesses like anemia in budgies.
Vitamin C Vitamin C is essential for almost every being and your budgies are no exception. It improves the immune system and endows your bird with strength to fight off diseases. This also helps out with their mood by reducing stress.
Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 is directly associated with protein by breaking down the protein intake and converting them into energy. It’s a must for ensuring your bird’s growth and retaining the ability to lay healthy eggs.
Antioxidants Budgies have some known cases of heart related diseases. Antioxidants found in bananas can mitigate this issue and keep your beautiful creature’s heart pumping in the healthiest way.

Baby Budgies Eating Bananas: Expert Recommendation

So is it okay for your baby budgie to be fed with bananas? What do the experts tell you about it?

From various researches, it has been proven that baby budgies can draw great benefit from eating bananas if that’s moderated.

Meaning, the peels are to be removed and the banana is to be sliced into smaller portions, not exceeding 50 calories in total.

Maintaining the given quantity should help your baby budgie with their growth, improving immune system and confirms a better health condition overall.

Because overfeeding your baby budgie with bananas can get their beak stuck in the fruit and cause digestion problems.

It’s also essential to clean their feeding box as soon as they’re done eating so that the quantity stays at the optimum level.

Frequency of Banana Feeding to Budgies

There are many arguments regarding ‘how often do you feed your budgie with bananas?’ on which one mutual conclusion has been reached by all.

Assuming that your budgie does enjoy eating bananas, give them one or two bananas each week, maintaining a constant gap between each serving.

I’ve already mentioned the frequency of feeding banana peels but refrain from that if it’s not absolutely necessary.

If it’s possible, substitute the banana peel with seaweeds as it’s an alternate & better source of iodine and doesn’t cause any issue with their digestive system.

Also, seaweeds aren’t infused with chemicals so it’s another green signal in that department.

What Could Go Wrong if Budgies Overeat Bananas?

If a situation arrives where your budgie is overfed with bananas, a number of things could happen as a consequence. The safest would be no change at all but it’s not the case every time.

Fructose Overdose: Bananas are sweet and thus contain fructose. Excessive consumption of fructose leaves the inadequate digestive system of your budgie in a helpless situation to deal with this. Digestion issues are usually the common aftermath.

Obesity: Again, drawing from the fact that bananas contain a lot of sugar, overconsumption will convert these to fat. Because caged budgies don’t usually get enough exercise so the vulnerability of obesity becomes a very real threat.

Iron Disease: As bananas are rich in minerals, there’s always an ideal limit to such consumption. Overeating bananas with irons can cause iron storage disease which leads to issues with iron preservation. This in turn hampers their growth & respiratory system and might even cause heart diseases.

So you can see, just because you can feed your budgie with bananas doesn’t mean you should do it in oversized proportions.

Technique of Serving Banana to Budgies

Technique of Serving Banana to Budgies

There exists a couple of techniques to serve bananas to your budgies, both of which help out in meeting the benchmark limit of consumption for this species.

One method is to peel the banana, slicing it up in smaller chunks and measuring the portion having been placed in a feeding pot.

The rule of thumb is 100g for a full-grown budgie while half of this quantity for a baby bird.

Another way you can go about is to provide your budgie with a medium-sized banana trusting your eyes for measuring the size. You can observe how much your budgie consumes out of the fruit.

So it’ll assist you in understanding your bird’s preferred consumable portion and let that be the guide for picking banana sizes for next time.

Banana Treat Ideas for Budgies

You don’t always need to simply place a banana in front of your budgie as it can get quite monotonous after a while.

There is room to be creative with the food, so follow along to pick up some handy ideas!

Frozen Banana

During summer, your budgie might struggle to cope up with the excessive heat. So slicing up the banana into smaller chunks and keeping it in the freezer will cool it down.

When the time for serving arrives, treat your budgie with a cool meal that can reduce the body temperature and allow them to feel comfortable under the given weather.

Banana Smoothie

Drawing from the frozen banana idea, you can go one step extra by slicing up a banana and blending it together with milk and nuts.

This smoothie is then to be cooled down inside the fridge before being served to your budgie, who would most certainly enjoy such a healthy, cool and delicious meal! It’s ideal for younger budgies to make the eating procedure easier for them.

Mashed Banana

Another meal especially for the baby budgies is the mashed banana. Just pick out the ripest banana of the lot and use a spoon to mash it up on a tray.

Such a texture marks it easier for baby budgies to eat this without getting their beak stuck in the banana body. Adult budgies as well can find this meal attractive.


Let’s scroll through the FAQ section while we’re still on the matter of ‘can budgies eat bananas?’ to deliver you every possible insight to ensure your budgie’s good health.

Q: Can baby budgies eat banana peels?

A: First of all, baby budgies can’t eat banana peels as they’re too tough to break down with their fragile beaks. Secondly, it’s not ideal for their digestive system due to the cellulose and chemicals used upon them. So it’s essential that you don’t feed baby budgies banana peels.

Q: What should be the banana proportion in budgies’ overall diet?

A: Once you’ve established banana as an integral portion of your budgie’s diet, the inclusion of banana shouldn’t surpass more than 20% overall.

Q: Should ripe or unripe bananas be fed to budgies?

A: Ripe bananas are the ones you should settle for as a diet for your budgies. It’s true that unripe bananas contain more iron than ripe ones, but they’re way over the top for a budgie’s needs and not to mention, quite sticky and tough to consume comfortably.

Q: How to prepare banana peels for budgies?

A: For most cases, adult budgies can take care of the banana peels themselves, so placing an unpeeled banana should do the trick for them. If they’re not interested in the peels, you can remove the peel and avoid adding it to their diet chart.


I believe I’ve covered every ground relevant to our key concern on ‘can budgies eat bananas?’ From answering the question to exploring subsequent aspects in-depth, this article stands as a complete guideline for budgie owners.

My personal opinion is to avoid feeding your budgies banana peels because the health risk is greater than the maximum benefit you’ll find out of them.

Also, follow the frequency of including bananas in your budgie’s routine strictly because of the consequences overfeeding can cause in due time.

Whether you include banana peels or not, make sure to clean out the bananas properly every time before treating that to your dear bird.

Bananas can contain a handful of harmful chemicals on the skin, so taking the safer approach is the most ideal path you can walk on to ensure your budgie’s maximum health!

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