There are many different ways to assign a name to the crow(s) of your desire. White the internet is flooded with diverse ideas, picking out the most fitting one requires some assessment from your end.
Crow names have different origins as well as influence from popular cultures. Also, not all of the crows behave in the same manner, thus leaving room for associating the perfect title based on all of these.
Male crows are named in one way while the females are in another. Also, some unisex names exist that are either funny or cool, although some vibe analysis must be done beforehand.
So let’s embark on our journey through some of the catchiest names for the crow you have in mind and see which one appeals to you the most!
Crow Names: Male
Source: @_mikorook_
When it comes to male crows, it’s ideal for you to choose between names that signify their sex. It’d simply be wrong not to check whether the crow is a male or a female before naming it wrongly. My alphabetically ordered male crow names will help you in your cause!
A: Aaron, Adam, Aldo, Alex, Alfie, Alfred, Andie, Andrew, Andy, Angel, Anthony, Arnold, August
B: Barack, Barney, Baxter, Bob, Bowie, Brad, Brock, Bruce
C: Casper, Charlie, Charlie, Chase, Chester, Chris, Christian, Clarke, Cliff, Cole, Corbin, Craig
D: Dalton, David, David, Dean, Draco, Drake, Duke
E: Earl, Eddie, Edward, Elvis
F: Ferb, Fred
G: Georgy, Gerald
H: Hadley, Henry, Hugh, Hunk
I: Ian, Ingall, Igor
J: Jack, James, Jarvis, Jason, Jasper, Jerry, Jim, Joe, John, Johnny, Jones, Jorah, Josh, Justin, Justin
K: Kane, Karl, Ken, Kody
L: Lang, Lee, Leo, Liam, Luther
M: Marco, Max, Max, Mercury, Michael, Mick, Miles, Murphy
N: Nolan, Neil, Neville, Nicholas
O: Oden, Oscar
P: Paul, Paul, Peter, Phantom, Philip, Pip
R: Ralph, Rascal, Richie, Ricky, Riley, Rob, Romeo, Ronald, Ronan, Ronnie
S: Sam, Sonny, Stanley, Sunny, Sylvester
T: Terry, Tyson
U: Ulrich, Udar
V: Vince, Verne
W: Walt, Will, Wayne
X: Xavier, Xander
Y: Yaden, Young
Z: Zaden, Zen, Zuzu
Crow Names: Female
Source: @anders_naturbilder
Just like the male crows, female birds too deserve befitting names to their personality and sex. Here I’ll ideate you on some of the female crow names to ease your naming process.
A: Alaska, Alexis, Amanda, Angela, Apricot, April, Ariel
B: Barbara, Brangwyn, Branoc, Brenda
C: Camilla, Chloe, Christina, Cristine, Crystal, Cynfran
D: Dahlia, Delilah, Destiny, Diamond
E: Earl, Ella, Emily, Erin, Esther, Eve
F: Faith, Fantasia
G: Gaagii, Gabbie, Gertie, Grey, Gwylan
H: Hazel, Honey, Hroc
I: Iris, Ivory
J: Jacqueline, Jade, Jessie, Jones, Julie, Juliet, Justine
K: Kat, Kate, Katniss, Kim, Klutz, Kristina, Kyle, Kylie
L: Lauren, Lavender, Lily, Linsey, Liz, Lizzie, Lonan, Louise, Lucy, Luna, Lune
M: Madam, Maggie, Magna, Mai, Maple, Milady
N: Natalya, Nelly
O: Otis, Olivia
P: Pandora, Persephone, Philip, Pixie, Poppy, Portia, Precious
Q: Queenie
R: Rachel, Raven, Riley, Rose, Roxy, Ruby
S: Sally, Samantha, Sarah, Shadowy, Sharpie, Skye, Sophia, Sophie, Starlet, Starlight
T: Talia, Trixy
V: Victoria, Violet
W: Wendy, Winnona
Y: Yennefer, Yona
Z: Zaden, Zoe
Unisex Crow Names
There are quite a few names for crows that are unisex and can be applied to both sexes. You can associate these names even with the baby crows fairly easily without any worry of doing them wrong.
B: Beakinator, Butterbean
C: Catastrophe, Caw-flower, Cawfee, Cawmatic, Cawtastic, Cawzilla, Chatterbox, Cracked Beak, Crackerjack, Croaky, Crocus Pocus, Crow-nut, Crowbar, Crowfoot
F: Feather doodle, Featherbrain, Feathered Fiasco, Flapjack
G: Gutsy
M: Microwave
N: Nuttie
O: Overcrowded
P: Pecky McPrickface, Pickles
Q: Quackster, Quirky Quill
S: Squabble, Squawkzilla
W: Wingding, Wingdings, Wingman, Wingnut
Crow Names for Pets
Source: @naturepicsbyanna.n
Names for pet crows must be something close to your heart and sound endearing at all times. Because your pet baby will hear these callings on a regular basis and it’s your duty to pick the loveliest one from the lot.
A: Achilles
B: Bertie, Bobo
C: Clarke, Cole, Couscous, Crowy
D: Drake
E: Edward
F: Fred
G: Georgy, Gerald
H: Hula, Hunk
J: Jarvis
M: Meg
P: Pipsqueak
R: Ronald, Ronnie, Roo
T: Tori
W: Walter
Z: Zuzu
Crows Names in Mythology
Source: @wesleysphoto
Mythology is a great place to borrow names for crows. The species has left its mark on the path of myth that has existed for hundreds of years. So why not make a legend out of your crow by naming it in such a way?
A: Abetzi, Alkonost, Anzû
B: Badb, Bran
C: Cocoroko
D: Daban, Daruda
G: Ganda, Gurrupira
I: Ibycus
K: Kaladanda, Kauket, Kona
M: Makara, Mekhala, Morrigan, Munin
N: Naga, Nekhbet
S: Sankofa, Sefirot, Simurgh, Svipdagr
V: Víðópnir, Vinata
Famous Crow Lores
Quite a few popular lores have hosted the presence of crows and told us unique tales. Some are part of belief systems while the rest are part of history or philosophy. These crow names could change your perception on how to call your bird!
- Aesop’s Crow: Aesop’s crow story tells us the high level of intelligence by the species that’s representative of reality. These are smart birds and Aesop could be a unique take on their names!
- Apollo and the Crow: Crow is one of those birds considered to be sacred by the Greek god Apollo. It won’t be a big harm to name a crow ‘Apollo’s Crow’ to think of the bird as heavenly.
- Bran the Blessed: One naming idea could come from Bran the Blessed by giving the title “Brân Fendigaidd” which literally translates to “crow”. It can be a funny inside joke to those who know the tale.
- Huginn and Muninn: Symbolisms for black birds foreground two name ideas: Huginn & Muninn – the informants of Norse god Odin. If you think about it, these could be great name ideas for a pair of crows.
- Kagu-tsuchi: Ones who find Japanese names attractive, I got three ideas for you. Kagu-tsuchi, Hi-no-Kagutsuchi or Homusubi – belonging to the same deity from Japanese myth, are great concepts for energetic crows!
- Viking Ragnar Lodbrok: Ragnar the viking has always been obsessed with crows because of their spiritual connection to Odin. So you see, Ragnar could be a great name option if your crow in question is a fighter.
- Yatagarasu: Another great Japanese crow name brought directly from the Shinto mythology is Yatagarasu for the crows who are the wisest.
Crows in Popular Culture
Source: @javan
Popular culture often tries to revive what’s been old and crow’s symbolic meanings have earned this bird a permanent spot in these pieces. The names you’ll find here are unique and easy for all to fall in love with!
- Dickens’ Crow: The famous novelist Charles Dickens used to have a pet crow which marked its presence in his numerous writings. As a tributary to the author, you can mimic his beloved’s name “Grip”.
- Game of Thrones Crows: In the famous TV series Game of Thrones, the brothers of the Night’s Watch are regarded as crows. If your local crow remains awake during nighttime, you can name it as any of the characters from this group for paying homage to the show!
- Harry Potter Ravenclaw: All of the Potterheads are familiar with this Hogwarts House name of “Ravenclaw”. It’s a worthy title for all the smart crows out there!
- Stephen King: Take a leaf out of Stephen King’s universe and name your crow “Gorg”. This name is for the ones who are always in a grim mood and terrify others with their exuberance.
Picking Your Crow Name: Things to Consider
Even when you believe you’ve found the perfect name for a crow, I’d urge you to take some time and assess whether that name does the crow some justice. There are a few things to consider here and it’ll make sure that the name fits perfectly with the crow.
First considerable thing is the crow’s sex. We all categorize names based on that and it should be the case for crows as well. Male, female or unisex – these are the three major divisions I’ve made in my article and for certain reasons. So I hope this is something you’ll primarily take into account before naming them.
Size matters when it comes to crow naming. A rule of thumb is to assign names with less syllables to tinier crows and the larger ones with longer names. It shouldn’t always be seen through, but it’s a handy technique for finding a crow name fitting to the description.
The nature of the crow as well as its behavior matters while naming them. More joyous and playful crows deserve names that represent their traits. Grim and serious ones can endorse other titles doing their character justice. For instance, it’d be better to name an energetic crow “Gusty” rather than a calm one.
Something Authentic
Use your analytic ability to recognize the smallest of detail on the crow(s) in concern. Utilize those small aspects and find a name according to that. It could be a feature, habit or an origin story – as long as it’s unique to that crow, the name you’ll endorse based on that would be an authentic and a more meaningful one.
I’ve seen people asking further questions about crow names because of the concept’s lack of clarity. Let’s address them and try to render things transparent for all.
Q: Is there any difference between crow and raven names?
Ans: A lot of you out there believe crow and raven to be the same species. But in actuality, these are unique birds with a few shared resemblances, thus the names are bound to be unique for each.
Q: How to name four crows together?
Ans: Naming four crows together is a difficult process but it can be overcome with some smart thinking. You can consider using names starting with the same alphabet, similar consonance or from a group that are already established as four, like: Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin – you get the idea.
What did you think of the crow names I managed to come up with in this article? Do they cater to your taste bud or were you looking for something more exotic?
One thing I can assure you that the names I’ve placed before you are standard, smart and unique of their own accord.
A lot of the names are borrowed from popular crows or pet names in general. None of the names here has the slightest possibility of embarrassing you in front of your friends.
On top of that, things to consider before naming should be thoroughly comprehended until you pick a name or create one on your own.
It’ll develop a sense of ownership and create a true bonding between the crow with the name you’ve endowed upon the creature.
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