Red Winged Blackbird Meaning

Red-Winged Blackbird Meaning & Symbolic Interpretation

If you’re not familiar with a Red-Winged Blackbird while living in North America, then you probably live in a high-rising cityscape.

Because otherwise, it’s widely spreaded all across the northern part of Americas. The reason behind starting my discussion with this is, there are deeper insights of spotting such a bird.

Red-Winged Blackbird meanings are quite a handful as there’s a greater range to it and more dynamics than it might pose in plain sight.

From spiritual, metaphorical to other aspects of symbolic meanings can be made, translated or interpreted upon witnessing this bird in reality or in a dream-state.

My article will guide you through all of these, and tell you where to draw your inspiration from when it comes to being in contact with a Red-Winged Blackbird!

What Do Red Wings Symbolize?

Red is often the color that’s associated with a lot of human emotions. But when it comes to spirituality, it digs a lot deeper and unearths symbolic meanings.

Associated with wings, you can remember the Biblical tale of the Fallen Angel, Azazel who damaged his wings as those were draped with blood after being thrown off of Heaven.

However, as I mentioned, symbolic meaning doesn’t look at what’s apparent, rather what’s hidden. Instead of picking up the association with negativity and defiance, red wings are interpreted as power, or the lack of it.

And placing that together with a black bird which many consider as bad omen, you’ll realize that the potential interpretations are countless, but the ones made by thinkers are only considered here.

Redwing Blackbird Symbolisms & Interpretations

The time has come for us to take our spirit through the chapters where Red-Winged Blackbird symbolic and spiritual meanings are discussed in detail.

Red-Winged Blackbird Spiritual Meaning

Source: @marcphotogram

Red-Winged Blackbird Spiritual Meaning

There’s a spiritual aspect to Red-Winged Blackbirds because of a number of reasons. First of all, it’s fully black in color with a blood-red accent on the wings.

Spiritually these two colors coming together opens up doors to very precise meanings that are relatable to our daily life aspects and beyond.

Mainly, such a bird signifies freedom and liberation. It can inspire you to overcome your confinements, both physical and metaphorical and spread your wings to fly out in the open toward endless possibilities.

Red-Winged Blackbird As Totem Animal

A red-winged bird’s symbolic meaning can help you find the bridge to bind beauty with strength. If it’s your totem animal, this could be a highly desired way to reach serenity with your spirit.

You need to take a deep look within your soul if you find a strong connection toward black bird with red wings, in order to search for your inner strength. Once found, it could be the most beautiful thing leading to your metamorphosis.

Red-Winged Blackbird & Spirit Animal

When you find a great empathy and resemblance with a bird of such specific colors, you’ll find its presence at times of your greatest needs.

It’ll guide you to reach inward for your intellect to supersede all the hurdles life might have in store for you.

This can also inspire your resilience, as your mind’s powers will aid you to withstand all the storm holding your ground firmly.

Not a lot of people can relate to black birds with red wings. So if you can, consider yourself to be a very special and gifted human being!

Red-Winged Blackbird in Native American Culture

Source: @nicoletlaursen_paintings

Red-Winged Blackbird in Native American Culture

Native American tribes carry a strong tie with nature and they tend to pick up on the most inspiring aspects that others generally have a tendency of overlooking.

In these indigenous cultures, Red-Winged Blackbirds symbolize strength, change and growth. When you look at these separately, they can feel out of place in hindsight.

Pay close attention. Your inner strength is your key to overcome difficulties, and it translates into change of your condition. By the end, the overcoming in the bigger picture is your spiritual growth.

This is what the natives believe, that such meanings are hidden beneath the surface of a black and red in an avian.

We can learn a great deal from such interpretations because in turn, it can be the wave that surges toward our own growth in return.

Red-Winged Blackbird in a Dream

As I mentioned the Native American faith of Red-Winged Blackbirds indicating change, this is one of the core conceptions that you should focus on if you dream of such a creature.

You might be struggling with a complex circumstance, struggling to let go of something you cannot, but something you are supposed to.

Seeing a bird like this is a hint – sent from your spirit or a projection of your unconscious mind – both ways it’s a signal from nature.

So you should seek change from that point onward and look for something new. Because a dream as such symbolically translates to ‘a new beginning’. And new beginnings only begin with the end of something.

Red-Winged Blackbirds: An Inspiring Feathered Creature

As we’ve gone to great extent to pick out the symbolic and spiritual meanings of Red-Winged Blackbirds, let’s learn a few things about the original bird itself!

Red-Winged Blackbird

Red Winged Blackbirds

Source: @pgdavisphotography

  • Scientific Name: Agelaius phoeniceus
  • Size: Male: 22–24 cm (8.7–9.4 in); Female: 17–18 cm (6.7–7.1 in)
  • Locality: North American & Central America
  • Status: Least Concern
  • Breeding Season: Early spring to mid-summer

As you can already tell, Red-Winged Blackbirds are directly named after their feather color and red-accented wings. Due to their great number and deeper symbolic insights, people consider them special among all the bird species.

As there are debates going on, there are between 20 to 24 subspecies of this bird. These birds prefer to live within greeneries and sightings in urban as well as suburban areas in America is quite common due to their nature and numbers.

They tend to defend their territories quite aggressively, showing signs of strength and intellect. This omnivorous species lives on seeds, grains, crops and feast on smaller insects during mating season.

Red-Winged Blackbird Sound


This section aims at furthering your journey to reach the ends of Red-Winged Blackbird meanings by answering some commonly asked questions.

Q: How rare is it to see a Red-Winged Blackbird?

A: It’s not rare at all to see a Red-Winged Blackbird because they’re in abundance at the heart of nature as well as in urban settlements. According to prominent surveys until 2014, there exist around 130 million Red-Winged Blackbirds. So you can understand it won’t be a surprise to run into this species at any time.

Q: What is the name of the angel with Red Wings?

A: Whether it’s the Old Testament you look into, or the Book of Isaiah, the red winged angel was Seraphim, the highest ranked angel in Christian angelology. The holiness and profound nature has transpired into the Red-Winged Blackbirds, and you can make unfathomable meaning out of it should you face one in your life.

Q: What does the blackbird symbolize?

A: There are many and specific symbolic meanings of blackbirds. Go on and check out this article for a more thorough account.


You are now one step ahead in understanding a layer of Red-Winged Blackbird meanings. It’s not a one dimensional journey and certainly not something to get ahead of reading a single article.

But I believe I managed to lay the seed inside your mind that’ll inspire you not to seek answers to questions from the outer world because the answer has always been within your soul.

Carrying this notion, see how these symbolisms and meaningful endeavors etch a change upon you, aiding you in the process of a new transformation, of a better version of yourself.

In this note, I’m ending my discussion here, hoping that I managed to establish a foundation, on which you can make your own meanings and interpretations with Red-Winged Blackbirds.

See you on our next journey!

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