The world of nature holds a transparent veil that cannot be removed with your physical movement, rather it demands to be unveiled with deep insight reinforcing your vision.
On that note, vulture spiritual meanings can easily be overlooked if you don’t have the eyes equipped to see beyond what’s merely laid before your eyes.
It’s the essence of things you must learn to pick up on, and that opens up a third eye within your spirit – aspiring to guide your way through the most meaningful aspects embedded within the most meaningless.
This journey isn’t short & easy and definitely requires guidance from someone who’s an expert in the field. And with my years of knowledge and experience, I offer you this article on vultures covering every possible mystic perception!
Vulture Symbolic Meanings
Symbolic meanings for vultures are the most basic yet concrete ideations that you require if you want to master the knowledge in the realm of spiritual interpretation.
You’re being Looked after
Vultures soar in the air overseeing everything underneath from a very high altitude. It symbolizes that you’re being looked after, no matter where you are. This should give you a sigh of relief from time to when – in times of peril as well as during the hours of joy. A universal comfort like this cannot be bought or obtained, rather felt all times.
Death & Rebirth
One’s who believe in being reborn, vulture’s spiritual meaning reinforces this notion at a large scale. The bird is associated with both death and rebirth, implying that you don’t have to remain timid at making any decision. Should things go wrong, there are more lifetimes ahead of you. So why don’t you take a leap of faith to reach the goal you’re too afraid to miss out on?
Source: @anthonythebadgerr
You Can be the Protector
Vulture doesn’t only aspire to be watched over, rather encourages you to take up the role of protector yourself. Be like a vulture, submerge yourself in its spirituality to take care of the people you love and want to protect. Such responsibility is fulfilling in the sense that you’re participating first-hand in your loved one’s safety and protection – and nothing else can defeat that feeling!
Anticipate Danger
If you constantly keep on spotting a vulture around you, it should be an indication for keeping up your defenses. Because vultures are the ones to indicate an upcoming adversity in your path. But it’s not a definite foretelling of an unavoidable incident, rather something that can be walked past should you remain vigilant. This way, you’ll be able to ensure your path doesn’t get distorted.
Keep Patience
The final spiritual lesson a vulture leaves you behind is to exercise your patience at all times. If you find it difficult to remain calm in certain situations, close your eyes and imagine a vulture floating in mid-air. Think of yourself to be that vulture, with all the calmness and temperament in the world, gliding over clouds with a steady heart. This should help you find patience under any circumstances.
Vulture Spiritual Meanings across Cultures
Source: @paschalisdougalisart
What I find most intriguing about vulture’s spiritual beliefs from one culture to another is the pattern of interpretation flowing like a river through the course of time and locality. I bet you’ll agree with me after going through this section!
In Egyptian Mythology
Much like symbolisms for Black Birds, Egyptian Mythology values vultures to be something sacred as well! Nekhbet had ranked vultures in the same level as a deity and would wear either headdresses shaped like a vulture. Some believe that it wasn’t an attire, rather her head itself was a vulture, so you can understand the praise for the bird.
Additionally, the priestesses during her time embedded vulture feathers to their dresses. Before Nekhbet, Goddess Isis deemed vultures to be of higher power and a sacred essence.
In Roman & Greek Mythologies
Vulture was utilized as a means of punishment in Greek mythology. Zeus punished Promitheus to be exiled on top of a mountain where a vulture would take chunks of meat out from him everyday. His body would heal during the night so that the vulture could repeat the same thing the next morning.
However, Roman cultures have high values for vultures as the bird’s feathers were deemed essential for making medications. Also, these vulture feathers meant happiness to a large number of people. Due to a widespread acceptance and celebration of vultures, Rome’s founding symbols have given space to the bird itself.
In Native American Cultures
Native Americans don’t put vultures in a high place the way the Egyptians or Romans did. Rather, they believe it’s associated with death and all sorts of negative energy that surround you. A common notion regarding vultures in this culture is its precedence as a bad omen – implying that seeing a vulture or a group of vultures foretell about upcoming disasters and calamities.
In Mayan Society
Mayan society too associated vulture with life & death, but not in the same way as others. They saw vultures to be the valuable entity that can turn death into life. It’s a high honor for any being and this has been the common faith regarding the bird in this culture. That’s why vulture holds a significant position for people who value this transition from life to death and back.
In Turkish Regions
There’s no spiritual symbolism of vultures in Turkish regions. This section is added to clarify the misconception many people have these days. In actuality, it’s concerning Turkey Vulture’s spiritual meaning which has nothing to do with the geographical location ‘Turkey’. Instead, this vulture resembles Turkeys so much that the name was endowed upon them.
In Assyrian Myths
Assyrian civilization walks into the same direction as the other cultures who connect vultures with life & death. The folklores suggested vultures to be the avatars of Griffin – the being that oversees life and death from high up in the sky. The remains of the ‘Stele of the Vultures’, a monument from the Mesopotamian civilization, throws a hint at how much spiritual inspiration this bird has aroused on the locals.
In Tibetan Localities
The word ‘Dakinis’ suggests demons who eat flesh if it’s translated from the Sanskrit manuscript in Indian regions. However, Tibetan locals have a completely different interpretation of the word – angels who take one’s soul from this world and keep them waiting in heaven until their next birth. Vultures there are seen as disguised Dakinis performing their due diligence.
In Celtec Beliefs
If you didn’t know already, vultures are raptors who consume dead animals. Due to this practice, Celtic Shamans ran a ritual of planting the local dead on a high platform so that vultures could eat their flesh. It’s called ‘air burial’ – a widely known custom of the time which believed it would help the deceased’s soul to reach the overworld. Thus, vulture’s spiritual meaning here emerges to be a soul-bearer.
Religious Connotations of Vulture
Aside from different cultures, even three of the most prominent monotheistic religions have shown vulture its place in a wide array of orders. I’m sure you’ll find this doctrinal discussion thought provoking!
In Islam
In the Holy book of Quran, vulture is referred to as Nasr – an idol being that’s been mentioned while describing Noah’s contemporary ongoings. Also, An-Nasr is referred to as ‘divine help’ in Quran, although if there’s any connection between the bird and the Surah is yet to be discovered by Islamic critics.
In Christianity
Christianity doesn’t see vulture to be a bird of high order, rather it’s associated more with uncleanliness. The belief dictates that the ones who are devoid of God’s grace are the one to be consumed by vultures upon death. Thus, vulture here spiritually means divine justice and a means of exercising God’s will for the non-believers and punishables.
In Zoroastrianism
Zoroastrianism is the first monotheistic religion which holds the prophet Zarathustra as the spokesperson for the doctrine. While describing the four natural elements and their contamination, the prophet had a mention of decaying bodies as it contributed to this defiling at a high degree. Vultures would consume these deceased bodies to relieve nature from such a horrid consequence.
What are the Vulture Dream Interpretations?
Source: @t_h_e_d_a_v_i_d
Have you seen any vulture in your recent dreams? Then waste no time and find out what that dream could mean for you!
Dream of Vultures Circling
Vultures usually circle when there’s something dead laid on the ground or a death that’s about to happen. So, if you see circling vultures in your dream, it doesn’t directly suggest death at all times, instead it could be a sign of upcoming danger. Upon seeing such a dream, you better stay cautious for the upcoming couple of weeks to let the danger pass by you safely.
Seeing a Flock of Vultures
Not all of the vulture dreams refer to bad omens. Take a flock of vultures in your dream for instance. This is an indication that a close friend of yours is on their way to find some fortune – probably in the shape of material possession. And what better friend isn’t happy to see their loved ones being blessed in such a way?
Dead Vulture in Dream
From your friend, this vulture dream meaning is directed towards you alone. It has to do with wealth & possession that are bound to land on your way. But this still doesn’t mean you can relax and wait for those to come to you automatically. As an individual, you’ll still need to make the effort so that your dream is fulfilled and you’ve reached your destiny successfully.
Vultures Attacking You
The attacking vultures in your dream shouldn’t necessarily pose the vultures as your foe. Rather, vultures are there to warn you of your upcoming few days of struggle. You have to hold your head up high, remain brave & confident so that no degree of storm can stray you from your chosen path. You’ll thank the vultures in your dream later for their early warning!
Black Vulture Symbolism in Dreams
Black vultures generally carry the spiritual connotation of protection, strength and change. Despite such diversified interpretations, seeing them in your dream could mean something else entirely! Interpreters argue that the dream black vultures imply your weaker emotions like fear or anger, and that you must master them in order to succeed in life.
Vulture as Spirit, Totem & Power Animal
As vulture is one of those raptors that are widely available across the world, people have found meaning in the bird in the shape of spirit, totem and power animal. Let’s see what each could mean for you!
- Spirit Animal: Keeping vulture as your spirit animal sends a strong notion of cleansing. The way this bird cleans up the environment by removing a decaying entity, your soul will be cleansed of any form of toxicity and transcend your essence into a state of purity.
- Totem Animal: One of vulture’s greatest strengths is its patience. Having this raptor as your totem animal means how effectively and powerfully you are able to master its virtues in your daily life. Patience and protection are the two qualities people generally choose while holding vulture as their totem animal.
- Power Animal: Vulture as a power animal is similar to keeping it as your totem animal, but the former is more in the spiritual sense while the latter can be a tangible source. Many spiritualists believe that retaining vulture to be your power animal transfers some of the bird’s positive qualities into your being and it remains with you as long as you’d want to.
This section delves a little bit deeper into the vulture spiritual meanings to grant you a better insight into this metaphysical journey.
Q: What does a vulture tattoo signify for spiritualists?
Ans: Vulture tattoos generally mean intelligence and many spiritualists get themselves inked with the bird in the hopes of generating a high IQ level like the bird itself. Whether it works scientifically or not is left up to researchers to find out, but this can change one’s world views and render them more patient with the drawing constantly being etched on the skin.
Q: What did the ancient vulture symbolize?
Ans: In the general sense, the ancient vultures always symbolized holiness and power. That’s why civilizations like Ancient Egypt, Roman Empire, Greek Empire and Assyrian Civilizations held the raptor at a high degree of honor despite their spatio-temporal differences.
Q: Can vulture symbolism be personified?
Ans: A vulture symbolism can be personified in many ways, some of them are positive while the others are negative. Positives are usually outnumbered by the negative connotations because of the widespread popularity and acceptance of the latter. A person who’s miser and ruthless is often seen as a personified vulture, although the bird itself is mostly neither.
As you’ve learned how to unveil a miniscule part of nature by journeying through this quest in the shape of an article, I must draw another blind at this point in time.
While our discussion on vulture spiritual and mystic meaning ends here and now, the thoughts and arguments must still go on – whether it’s with someone else or within yourself.
This practice should help broaden your mind to accommodate more perceptions in the case of a single argument.
Take it as the way Picasso draws his paintings in the form of Cubism – multiple points of view on one subject granting you a deeper insight which was concealed before your eyes.
Let the vulture’s strengths aid you in this greater cause of self-development and bring you back for more insightful quests in the near future!